Super Bowl Team Prop Bets At 18 & Up Sportsbooks

LVIII logoSuper Bowl betting encompasses a great many varieties of categories, and one of the most popular involves wagering on the statistical achievements of the two teams involved. Super Bowl team prop bets at 18 & up sportsbooks are legal in the United States, and this guide will show readers how it is done.

Here you’ll learn what Super Bowl prop bets are and what the odds mean. We also provide a list of the best Super Bowl sportsbooks for eighteen and older bettors located in the USA and describe what gamblers can expect to find when signing up as a member. We cover all the prop betting action, including technical categories such as team props, SB player props, and MVP props, as well as other less technical categories like betting on coin toss prop bets or Super Bowl commercials.

Best 18+ Super Bowl Sportsbooks With Team Props

Bovada Sportsbook Logo50% Bonus
Up To $1,000
5/5Visit SiteReview
BetUS125% Bonus
Up To $3,125
4.8/5Visit SiteReview Logo50% Bonus
Up To $500
4.1/5Visit SiteReview
Betonline Sportsbook Logo50% Bonus
Up To $1,000
4.2/5Visit SiteReview Logo50% Bonus
Up To $1,000
4.1/5Visit SiteReview

What Are Super Bowl Team Prop Bets?

A proposition bet is a wager placed on an outcome that falls outside standard betting lines for games (the point spread, over/under, and moneyline odds for winners). Super Bowl team prop bets involve wagering on any franchise-based outcome that takes place on SB Sunday.

These outcomes usually involve statistical achievements, such as the first team to score or which will produce the most total yards on offense. As soon as the occurrence that the prop bet is taking action concludes, winners and losers are decided. Team props for Super Bowl betting can become final at any time during the game, but most of them usually take a while to complete.

How To Bet On Super Bowl Props For Teams

Most Super Bowl props involve finite outcomes that can be broken down to a yes, no, or an over/under stat total. Wagers will be winners if they are placed on the correct Super Bowl team prop bet outcome. Here is an example:

First Team To Score

  • Kansas City Chiefs -150
  • San Francisco 49ers +200

Because the Chiefs are favored to score the first points in the Super Bowl, and their moneyline odds are negative, a bet of $1.50 is required to net a dollar in winnings.

Alternatively, since San Francisco is the underdog to score first, betting on them to do so can earn more than the amount risked. A bet of $1 on the 49ers to score first will result in a cash payout of $3.00.

Types Of Super Bowl Team Prop Bets

  • The first team to score Super Bowl props
  • Team-based statistical achievements and over/under betting
  • Total touchdowns scored
  • Super Bowl props for potential team matchups

Current Super Bowl Team Props

Super Bowl Potential Team Matchups

  • San Francisco 49ers vs. Kansas City Chiefs +300
  • San Francisco 49ers vs. Cincinnati Bengals +325
  • Philadelphia Eagles vs. Kansas City Chiefs +210
  • Philadelphia Eagles vs. Cincinnati Bengals +230

Live Super Bowl Team Betting

Prop bets that involve team-based outcomes take action on occurrences that will not conclude until after the kickoff. Most Super Bowl props will remain on the boards throughout the entire duration of the big game, but some books may remove the team odds once the clock starts running.

The odds posted for live NFL betting continue to take action on Super Bowl teams between the first and fourth quarters and are usually only removed once the stat or accomplishment has been achieved. Because the likelihood of the outcome can change based on game events, SB team props and their odds usually shift as the clock ticks.

Super Bowl Prop Builders

The popularity of Super Bowl prop bets at online sportsbooks has caused for hundreds of them to be created. This can make it difficult to surf through all the SB props available, as viewing them all requires several pages of scrolling.

Super Bowl prop builder applications are now a common sight at the sites included in our over 18 online sportsbook reviews, which are online tools that pull all SB team odds into one location. Just by clicking on the subcategories, users can toggle through all of the Super Bowl props quickly and also have the ability to create combination wagers with the attached parlay calculator.

Mobile Super Bowl Betting Apps For Team Props

The demand for mobile NFL betting has increased in recent years as more and more gamblers depend on their smartphones or tablets to wager on Super Bowl odds. Downloading a domestic app is an option, but we recommend joining up with an offshore sportsbook that we’ve linked to here for your Apple or Android NFL gambling needs.

Our top Super Bowl betting sites can be pulled up on iPhones, iPads, and Android smartphones and tablets without downloading any applications. They can be used on the fly to bet on Super Bowl team props, and other NFL odds at eighteen and older from any location gamblers choose in the USA.

Bonus Cash Offers From Super Bowl Betting Sites

The online sportsbooks that top our rankings offer each new member that is depositing for the first time welcome bonuses that add extra cash to accounts. This promotional money is based on a percentage of the deposit total and can be used to bet on Super Bowl props for team stats or anything else offered in the sportsbook.

We do ask that gamblers read through any attached conditions of the sportsbook bonus offers because they often include rollover requirements. This is the number of times the money must be bet in the sportsbook before a withdrawal can be requested.

Accepting the cash is a no-brainer if you can meet the Super Bowl betting bonus terms.

Super Bowl Sportsbook Banking Options

Funding accounts at our top 18 and over Super Bowl sportsbook sites can be done using credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and with cryptocurrency. The sportsbook banking options for withdrawing a payout narrow considerably due to the inability of sportsbooks to offer chargebacks to credit and debit cards.

Some books allow for sports betting withdrawals using cashier’s checks that are delivered using couriers, but that’s not fast enough for our needs. Cryptocurrency allows for sub-24-hour payouts that are often completed within minutes.

There are rarely any fees attached to cryptocurrency transactions, coming or going, and their blockchain processing provides ample security and ensures a successful deposit or payout.